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Faculty Affairs Unit

Faculty Affairs Unit.

This unit specializes in attracting outstanding faculty members and researchers in the arts specializations, which helps to improve academic performance and track academic procedures.

Unit Objectives

1- Develop strategies for attracting qualified faculty members using new technologies. 
2- Unifying regional and international standards for scientific publishing. 

Unit duties:

1- Develop methods for attracting faculty members and researchers based on the department's needs.
2- Consider appointing new faculty members by reviewing their applications, conducting interviews, and providing minutes and recommendations to the department board. 
3- Consider requests to promote faculty members, review their papers, and submit them to the college board. 
4- Consider requests from faculty members and those in their positions for transfer, secondment, loan, resignation, consultation (full-time and part-time), and attendance at conferences, workshops, and training courses and present them to the department board. 
5- Review requests from collaborating practitioners to give lectures at the college or teach some lectures within the college's courses submitted by the departments.

6- Consider procedures for faculty members' refusal to teach the courses assigned to them.

Last updated on : September 29, 2024 1:49pm