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Community Relations Unit

·         Unit Description:

The Community Relations Unit aims to strengthen the college's relationship with the community through direct interaction and meeting its needs. It focuses on promoting the culture of arts, social responsibility, and sustainable volunteer work within the community, while providing opportunities for students and faculty members to participate in community programs related to their academic disciplines.


·         Unit Tasks:

1.    Offer diverse programs to the community with qualified staff and high-quality technology to achieve effective community partnership.

2.    Build a positive image of the college and highlight its crucial roles in community service.

3.    Showcase the college’s various programs to strengthen the connection between academic study and community service.

4.    Support outstanding initiatives in providing community service programs and activities.

5.    Support and encourage all college members, including faculty, staff, and students, to offer services that enhance community ties and achieve its goals.

6.    Promote a culture of volunteerism among college members.

7.    Establish partnerships and agreements with various community entities to train students, serve alumni, or support different community institutions.

8.    Document community service achievements from all members (faculty, students, and administrative staff).

9.    Prepare periodic reports every semester and an annual report on achievements.

10.                       Coordinate with the Community Relations Office at the University Planning and Development Agency to implement new tasks.


·         College Committees Associated with the Community Relations Unit:

1.    Activities, Events, and Media Committee

2.    Supervisory Committee for the Agency's Website

3.    College Art Exhibitions Committee


·         Communication Channels:

o    Email: ARTSdq@KSU.EDU.SA

o    Phone: 0116492909

·         Unit Team:

o    Unit Head: Dr. Hanan Ibrahim Al-Obaid

o    Secretary: Hussein Jari

Last updated on : October 8, 2024 11:02am